Love the colors.
Love the scenery.
Love the painted texture.
This makes me feel really happy.
You've made my night a little brighter :>
Love the colors.
Love the scenery.
Love the painted texture.
This makes me feel really happy.
You've made my night a little brighter :>
mmm im glad you liked it!! <3
Really like the concept! Honestly I really love the line work, shape and form.
Just wish you went a bit further with shading and lighting since the coloring looks a bit flat.
None the less, awesome job! Would buy wares from her again.
Yeah it's really rare that I skip shading these days, but the details on this one intimidated me. In a few days, I'm probably also gonna wish I shaded as well, haha.
But thanks!
(I might revisit the shading if I end up dumping all my spritedraws into a collection or something)
Really awesome line work, character designing and shading!
I feel like the palette lacks a certain cohesiveness and pop. Like the lighting is correct but the hue shifting is quite there. Also wish the background was more fleshed out.
But all in all, really good piece! Keep up the awesome work!
Thank you! I'm definitely in agreement about the color.
Low Key was hoping it was animated >:
Regardless, you have the pose and lighting pretty well defined on the body!
Her blade fidget spinner is a bit questionable. I think if you want to sell that it's metal, you should add white strikes of light across the metal and make the dark tones darker.
The Anti-Aliasing is also a bit wonkey on the bladed but aside from that, Good stuff!
metal reference:
i based the shading off of the actual painwheel game art, so it came out a bit duller, there are highlights on the metal though.i dont think the dark tones need to be any darker, but there were some things i could have done to make it more reflective that i didnt do.
And nah, didnt feel like animating this, too many twitchy, moving parts.
Impressive technicality dude! The shading and texturing is on point! There is some parts ( like the upper left Bicep) where the anatomy seems a bit off. The triceps/biceps on the left arm are bigger than the shoulder while its isn't on the other side. I also suggest using darker tones to create greater contrast. The torso kinda blends with left arm so greater contrast could make the parts easily discernible at a glance. All in all tho, Great stuff! I'd love to see what else you could do with your technicality!
Hi TriXeL! Thank you. I find your constructive criticism very helpful. I am aware that the anatomy is off here and there, that's why I'm drawing these - in hope that I'll figure it out in the process :) I have always struggled with getting it right. Mostly I just enjoy it, though. I find drawing with this technique quite relaxing. Hopefully, in the future it will even look realistic enough.
I want to like it but something about it ticks me off. Maybe something with the color composition or the style contrast between the minimalistic background and the higher detailed foreground . I don't like how the rocks are compact on the top half and drops down suddenly on the bottom, makes the composition of the ground feel not cohesive. Idk. I'm not a hater though; the pixel technicality is pretty good and I especially like the pattern used to shade the tree (a mix up from the usual dithering). Not bad, but not up to par with your other works (in my opinion). Can't wait to see what else you do!
Aw thank you for the constructive feedback! I know this was rushed but even though It's not as good as any submission in my gallery I made I somewhat enjoyed making it. :)
If people dislike or hate my art and give less than 2 stars I don't flag their comments but alternatively I advise them to look elsewhere. It's their choice. I just make art for fun and not to seek attention. ;)
Even though the lines are drawn by you originally, this picture feels very superfluous and unoriginal from the perspective of the viewer. Try bringing new life to the image. Not rehash something players of the game have seen already. Also, add some more frames to the animation. It seems very choppy when fluid motion would fit it better. Stay determined though and keep creating!
haha thanks ;3
The animation seems interesting but feels void of a purpose. Really interesting though! If you drew the original picture as well, that show cases incredible realism.
it's a photo of my friend, but i spent a while brushing over it to make it smoother, and the rest of that effect is from a gif optimizer. i agree that these pieces dont really have much direction at this point in time, but im hoping to make a more complex project soon where i'd start with drafts and create at least 200 frames, whereas this is like 30 that i made up as i went along. my first gifs were nothing but simple color changes or two frame animations, so this is all very new to me, and i could call these experiments in movement and line/shape more readily than finished pieces.
i've been considering getting a tablet so i can start doing more detailed digital painting with a stylus, so hopefully one day i can achieve that level of realism. thanks tho!
The character illustration isn't bad. I just feel like the pixel art isn't up to par. It looks pretty stiff, from the character stance to the flame in his hands. I feel like its due to a bunch of spots were there is a line where a slight curve would add to the figure. This just needs adjusting and fine tuning until all the bits and pieces feel like a cohesive whole. All that being said, this is far from a bad piece. Keep developing your art!
Uh, would it be weird to ask if you could critique the rest of the "pixel-art but not really" drawings i did? theres like seven of them and theyre on my account's art gallery.
This does Edd and his creations enormous justice. I think you really captured his legacy fantastically in this. Love the style ( 1st thing I thought of was Scott Pilgrim vs the World ).
I was planning to use some pixel art style of Irem's beat em up before making this but I chose Scott Pilgrim vs. the world instead.
I make games, music, and pixel art!
Age 27, Male
Software Engineer 🖥️
University of Central Florida
Joined on 5/8/11