Great visual aesthetic with complimentary animation, well done. Wish I could know what was going on but either way, really good stuff.
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Great visual aesthetic with complimentary animation, well done. Wish I could know what was going on but either way, really good stuff.
Interesting idea with decent animation. The objects in this need to feel realer, with there own weight and movement. The concept isn't too original but for what it's worth, not bad.
thank you! I will try to make objects more realistic.
I think that there should be some dramatic moments in this cartoons, how do you think?
Fund as an cute game!
Only complaint is the the D key scrolls game window off screen so I have to play with arrow keys intead.
Maximum Dong Game. Had an anxiety attack in the middle of the game. 5/5
As simple as it is, I absolutely love collecting large katamari posy of friends. Also love the little narratives for each world.
Awesome stuff!
Thanks :) Those games are actually quite fast to make so I will probably make more in this style!
- Synths emulate the retro aesthetic of the game.
- I would have the drums be more prominent in the mix. The song is missing quite a lot of energy from their week presence.
- The guitar sounds a bit thin and sticks out of the mix.
- Listen to a song in the same genre closest to what you aim to achieve and think about how they mix there stems. Ask your self, how loud is the guitar compared to the drums, synths, etc.
- The guitar sticks out partially because it's the only non artificial voice. To make it more at home, add other elements like it (i.e. real drums instead of electronic ones) or nix the regular guitar and use an artificial (samplers/soundfonts) or generate a voice to fill the role. (synths, vsts, etc). Hard committing to either will help the elements feel more cohesive.
- Another observation is that this feels like you're just riffing on this back track. Nothing wrong with it, but if you want it to feel organized and intentional, I would start making discrete sections that represent a specific melodic idea.
A melodic idea can be something as simple as an "antecedent consequent" phrase.
These ideas can become the building blocks of your song that provided hooks for people to attach too.
And when you repeat a section, that communicates intentionality.
As Adam Neeley says, repetition legitimizes. repetition legitimizes. repetition legitimizes.
Hope you find this helpful!
+ Slower pace and bassline helps sells this is a gameover.
Again, mix is super drum heavy. Some volume increase and compression could go along way.
The drums themselves also have significant bass content I would cut from.
I would also bring up that synth too.
As a game over track, this gets the job done very well!
The loudest things in mix are the drums.
Even the bass really doesn't feel very present.
This makes this track feel empty.
+ Interesting percussion line that establishes an up beat, combative energy.
+ Even though there is a lot of empty space in the mix, some games can find that to be a benefit.
Especially in circumstances where their game may have a ton of SFX playing in the foreground,
having a light mix like this helps offset that auditory load.
+ When it comes to mix, I recommend picking a song from a professional who's done the style/genre you want to produce well,
and listen for how they mix it. Notice the volume ratio between drums, bass, leads.
+ Then mix your song to match that same ratio. This will give you a frame of reference for whatever song you're mixing.
This will eventually train your ear to have some general intuition on mixing levels (I always like comparing just for reference.)
Improving the current song:
+ Increase the volume of bass and other ornamentation.
This song is missing a lot of mid to high frequency content.
So increasing the volume of what you already have present would aid in this.
Beyond increasing those instruments, some compression on the master track could go a
long way to bring in the higher frequency content you already have in your drums and bass.
+ Add more unique characteristics to the bass. If it's going to be the main focus of the song,
then add depth to it so can be interesting. So can be a done in a bunch of ways but is largely
a question of sound design and experimentation on your end (effects chain, eq modulation, etc).
Changing the direction/character of this song:
+ As it stands, this establishes a vibe relatively well.
However, there's so much room here to do cool stuff. Adding melodies,
additional instruments/samples/sounds that define your harmonies.
+ These kind of things helps make a song far more memorable.
Good work, I can definitely hear this in game!
Amazing work! Absolutely love the hair texture detail!
I am smiling out of fear
I make games, music, and pixel art!
Age 27, Male
Software Engineer 🖥️
University of Central Florida
Joined on 5/8/11